Saturday, October 6, 2018

These Amazing Healing Stories Will Inspire You

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to interview two bold pioneers who are risking it all to unveil the truth about the power of natural remedies to heal cancer. They blew me away with their knowledge and I’ve shared it with you in the video below!

Ty and Char Bollinger are a truly inspiring husband and wife team who are tracking down the greatest minds in the world of alternative medicine — both doctors and herbalists — who have healed their patients of this devastating disease, again and again.

In our video below: Ty and Char let you in on some groundbreaking new advances in the natural treatment of cancer AND… they also share two remarkable healing stories from people who defeated all odds and reversed their cancer naturally.

(We’ve included the written transcript of this interview down below as well!)

If you are inspired by the video interview above, Ty and Char have produced an entire documentary series called The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest that dives even deeper into these life-saving natural breakthroughs.

It’s airing online FOR FREE in a couple days, and I highly recommend checking it out.

Click here for more information and to register

Stay curious,

Nick Polizzi
Host of Remedy: Ancient Medicine for Modern Illness
& Founder of The Sacred Science


Nick: Hi. This is Nick Polizzi, and I’m here today with the incredible husband and wife team who created the hit docuseries “The Truth About Cancer”. Their powerful series is airing for free and you can use the link below to sign up now. I strongly recommend doing so. Without further ado, it’s my honor to introduce you to Ty and Char Bollinger, two health crusaders who are standing up to big pharma and the medical establishment to get breakthrough natural medicines to people who are in desperate need of them. It’s great to be here with you both.

Charlene: Yeah. Thanks for having us. It’s great to be here.

Ty: Yeah, Nick. It’s great to be on the show with you today, man. We’re looking forward to the interview.

Nick: Awesome. Yeah. We’re gonna get into a bunch of different questions, but the first thing I’ve been dying to ask you guys is how did it all start? How did it all come about?

Charlene: Well, I’m glad to share our backstory and everything that led to today … where we are today doing what we’re doing. Really it all started in the heart of God in eternity past. He had a plan to penetrate the earth through the darkness that’s enveloping it with truth. When I was a little girl, I was dreaming about my Prince Charming, and I didn’t know his name, but I knew he was out there. I just knew we were going to live happily ever after.

So, when I grew up I met a lot of frogs, and I realized, at least I thought I realized that that knight in shining armor was just a fairy tale. And then that really just didn’t exist. So, in 1995 I went to see the movie Braveheart, and after I left the movie … it was one of the best movies. It’s still right there on the very top for me of all time best movies ever, and that resonated with me, and I just knew I had a Braveheart in this world. Someone with that integrity who would do great things to save people’s lives.

And shortly thereafter, maybe a couple weeks, I met Ty, and the first night that we met and really went out on a date, he said, “I don’t mean to scare you, but I think I’m falling in love with you.” And I thought, “Oh, boy. Here we go.” But three months later I said, “I love you too.” Because when I looked into his eyes, I saw something I’d never seen in another person. I saw goodness. I saw honesty. I saw my life. My joy. All in his eyes. In his spirit. And so, nine days later I had the ring on my finger and six months to the date we were married and we were just living the dream.

We went on our honeymoon, we came home, we were so, so happy, and six months into our marriage was when his father, my dear father-in-love – they never were in-laws. They really were good, wonderful people and they loved me and I loved them – he was having stomach pains, so they were excruciating. We went to the ER with it. We thought it was gall stones. Halfway through the surgery the doctors came out just looking filled with despair and hopelessness. They looked at us and said, “It’s cancer. He’s so young, and it’s so advanced.”

And Ty’s father was 52 years old at the time, and at that time, we didn’t know what we know today. We just were steeped in the system like everybody else, and back then it was 1996, so the internet wasn’t prevalent the way it is today. We didn’t even have a PC, I don’t think, in our house at the time.

Ty: No.

Charlene: And we didn’t have cell phones. I mean, it was just a different world back then. We’ve really increased in our technology rapidly from that time to this. And because of the technology today, the internet, the information flow, things have changed, but back then we realized we didn’t want to go the chemotherapy route, but they performed the surgery. They cut his stomach out, and we were already starting to research. I don’t know if you remember we were looking into shark cartilage at the time?

Ty: Yep.

Charlene: Along with other things. We were looking into Tijuana, the Hoxsey Clinic, but for Ty’s father we just didn’t have time, because 25 days later he died. And at the time we thought it was the cancer. That’s what they told us, but through our research realizing he kept losing blood and having blood transfusions, they didn’t sew him up properly. His surgery killed him. That was our introduction into cancer.

So, then six months later we lost Ty’s father’s father and then six months later his father’s brother and his cousin, Glen. And then a couple years later his mother’s mother, Grandma Helen. And then his mother’s father, and in 2004 his precious mother, my precious mother-in-love, and my best friend outside of Ty. She was just a joy to the world, to us, and that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

And that time we had done a lot of research. They also cut her stomach out too, unbelievably, and she didn’t have a chance.

Ty: Yeah. They both had stomach cancer.

Charlene: Yeah, and they weren’t related, but it’s environment from what we’ve researched. So, when that happened with his mom, we knew we had to save lives. Without a doubt we had the information at that time, so we worked night and day to get the truth about cancer to the world through our first book “Cancer: Step Outside the Box”. We self-published that and we put it out into the world. God blessed it. It went to the top of the charts, and from 2006, which is when we published that to 2014, we were reaching hundreds of thousands of people, but the goal was to reach everybody on planet Earth.

So, we had a lot more people left to reach. 2014 was when we started the docuseries with a purpose to reach everyone through the internet. We’ve been able to do that now by millions. We’ve had 20 million total views on our docuseries, and that’s a real blessing, because we know now people are coming to us saying, “Wow. I was sent home to die. I watched your docuseries or I read your book and I learned what to do, and today I’m cancer free after being sent home to die.”

And that’s why we do what we do. It’s so gratifying. At this point reaching millions, it’s fantastic, but we still have the Big B, billions of people, and we’re gonna reach them. We’re not gonna stop until we reach them. So, that’s the whole backstory.

Nick: It’s incredible. Yeah, I remember when you guys first came out in 2013. It was like, “Who are these folks? This is unheard of.” First of all, the idea of releasing a docuseries where there’s just multiple episodes that are diving deep into specific facets of a particular healing matter and in this case cancer, it was revolutionary. It really changed the way that we all thought about consuming and learning about natural health.

I was gonna ask you, most of what you’re covering if not all of it are alternative practices, alternative therapies, things that people don’t know about, things that modern medicine and big pharma are not going to tell you about. Why do you think it is that there’s been this hush order or this gag order put on practitioners of these alternative therapies? Why do you think it’s not widely known? These alternative methods?

Ty: It’s not widely known, Nick, because there’s a concerted effort to suppress the information. And as crazy or as kooky as that might sound, it’s just reality. We can go all the way back to the Fitzgerald Report of 1953 where the United States Senate determined there was a conspiracy to suppress natural cancer treatments. We can go back to the Wilk versus AMA decision 1989, wherein Judge Susan Getzendanner determined there was conspiracy by the American Medical Association to suppress chiropractic and other natural treatments. We’ve had the courts involved, and they determined there’s a conspiracy.

So, as kooky as it sounds, that’s what the Senate and the courts have … that’s their position on it. That there is a conspiracy to suppress, and I think the reason is because there’s so much money in treating symptoms with drugs as opposed to healing with nature. Who benefits, right? Follow the money trail. That’s what we always need to look at when something like this happens. And if you follow the money trail, it goes back to big pharma.

Charlene: Right, and you can go all the way back to 1910 and look at the Rockefellers and the Carnegies hijacking the medical system by first of all sending out the Flexner brothers to give a report of all of the medical schools in America, and at the time the Rockefellers owned the chemical companies, which today we call pharmaceutical companies. By the way, the Flexner brothers weren’t medical experts. They had no medical degree, but they were the ones grading the medical schools and the ones that were teaching drug intensive, chemical intensive therapies got A pluses and then the homeopaths and the chiropractors and all of the healing medicine that has been around since the beginning of time, which we like to call advanced, not alternative. They are very advanced. They were not funded.

The ones that got the A Pluses, the Rockefellers and Carnegies gave five hundred million dollars across the board splitting it between those schools. And so, the other schools went by the wayside, they didn’t have the funding. And at that time they not only took over them, but they put members on the boards. They wrote the curriculum. So, today doctors going through school, they’re very noble people, we found. They’re getting into it to heal people. They’re healers in their hearts, and so they’re taught. They’re steeped into this system, and they don’t understand or know what we’re telling you, and so they’re deeply indoctrinated into just the big three when it comes to cancer and disease.

These people are amazing. If you get your arm cut off, they can literally reattach limbs. It’s unbelievable what modern medical doctors can do. But when it comes to degenerative diseases, that is a big money maker for big pharma and so they did hijack our medical systems when it comes to degenerative diseases specifically with cancer. It’s 160 billion dollars a year business, and so they don’t like when people learn how to take herbs and how to take care of themselves, because that literally cuts into their business model.

And when we watch TV we see that the commercials are a lot of drug commercials with a lot of side effects, but they’re controlling the media. They’ve got control of that, so the information flow has been hijacked and co-opted so people, when they don’t know and they’re watching their TV, they think it’s just wonderful. And the information flow even on the internet we have a lot of twisting of that information as well, but with what we’re doing we’re able to penetrate that darkness with the light of truth. And people really are waking up, because when we first started doing this, people thought we were just crazy, because the information was not as readily available back then. But today because of what we’re doing, what you’re doing, we’re changing that. And people really are waking up because of the information that is more widely spread and easier to access.

Nick: Thank you for that. We dove into the Flexner Report in the Remedy Series too, because you can’t really talk about this stuff without understanding what happened before and something that was even more I guess infuriating, more of an outrage, or additionally infuriating was just the fact that through the Flexner Report, practitioners of herbalism, homeopathy, other alternative medicines were labeled to be “irregulars”, which I guess, you know, you could sort of see in the whole political climate and what they were trying to accomplish makes sense. In addition to practitioners of these alternative methods also people of color could not become doctors. Women could not become doctors based on the Flexner Report and based on these criteria. They were called the irregulars, right? So right now in an era where we’re very sensitive to the racial tensions going on right now, and the Me Too Movement, I mean, people who are listening like if you investigate the Flexner Report, it’s an outrage in more ways than one.

Ty: They weren’t just called “irregulars”. That was the first time the term “quack” was used in the American vernacular in 1913 and it was because of the American Medical Association labeling these doctors that were using natural medicine as quacks. That’s why we think of them today as quacks. That’s why many people think of chiropractors or naturopaths or herbalists as quacks, because of the AMA’s propaganda campaign from 1913.

Nick: They’ve had so much time and they have so much money to put toward brainwashing. It’s no wonder that we’ve gotten to where we’ve gotten. So, as we make our docuseries, you know, Remedy Docuseries is a good example, and as we do our research, we’re always blown away by the things that we actually learn. I go into these things, invariably I always think have an idea of what’s going on with something, and then there will be that one that expert, or that one interview that just gives me that flat out, “Oh my gosh, this is a whole new Pandora’s box of healing possibilities.” Something I’ve been dying to ask you guys is along your travels and in this journey, can you share one or two of the real breakthroughs that you’ve come across, that was just like a “Wow! This is incredible stuff, I did not know coming into this.”

Ty: Yeah. I think probably the interview for the Global Quest, which is what we’re talking about today, that really blew my mind, was when we were in Heerlen, Netherlands, interviewing Dr. Matthias Rath. Dr. Rath, he used to practice medicine actually, here in the United States, but he got run out of the States, so he’s practicing in the Netherlands. But, he shared the story about how the concentration camps in World War II Germany, we’re actually not originally built by the Nazi party. They were built by the pharmaceutical companies at that time, to provide housing for their slave labor that they used in their manufacturing facilities.

Nick: Wow!

Ty: So, that blew my mind, I had no idea that pharma was actually behind the initial building of the concentration camps. They were later utilized by Hitler for extermination of large groups of people, specifically the Jews, but he didn’t build them, pharma built them. That blew my mind.

Nick: Wow! That’s nuts. Well, you just blew my mind, that’s crazy, I got to look into that. So, we’re going to get into some of the natural alternative possibilities for folks in a minute. But, before we do that, a question that I’ve been faced with, especially with this last, latest docuseries that we released, is, is there a place, period, for conventional medicine, for conventional therapies, for chemo, for radiation, for surgery in the treatment of Cancer? And if so, can you just expand upon that a little bit?

Ty: Yeah. You kind of cut out a little bit, but I think you said, “Is there a place for conventional treatments?”

Nick: Yeah.

Ty: Yeah, sure. That’s a great question. I recently traveled to Asia, during July this year for our next documentary coming out next year in April, which will be covering Eastern medicine. One of the things that’s interesting, in Asia, compared to here, is they don’t really look at medicine as traditional, or conventional, or ancient, or Eastern, or whatever. It’s just medicine. So, it’s all grouped together for most of those practitioners, and they use what works. Some of them … We look at it over here if you’re using natural treatments with conventional treatments, then you’re using integrative therapy.

Well, it’s just therapy to them. Most of the doctors there, in Japan specifically, in Malaysia, and the Philippines, and in Taiwan, specifically, those four countries, they’re all allowed to use whatever works, right? So, there’s, no prohibitions on what they can use to treat. So, if they want to use low dose chemo, which is one of the forms of chemo that we’re not opposed to, very few side effects, using insulin to potentiate, they can use it.

They will use that in combination with traditional Chinese medicine, and herbs, and homeopathy, they can do that. Oh, also, India. India’s another country that can use whatever they want. The doctors have a lot more latitude, because they’re not hamstrung by, “Are you using the treatment that’s approved.” Because, here in the United States, doctors have to use “FDA approved” treatment. Otherwise, they can’t do it. There it’s just, does it work? And, if you want to use it, and if you think it’s in the best interest of your patient, you can use it.

So, is there a place for conventional medicine? Yeah, yeah. Not near as in the forefront, as it’s being used today, I don’t think. I think we should be using a lot more natural stuff, a lot more herbs, a lot more homeopathy, detoxification process, whatever it is. But, there’s a place for all kinds of medicine. But, I think it should be up to the doctor, who’s the expert, to determine what works best for his, or her patient. And not up to some regulatory body like the FDA, who probably – not probably – Dr. Burzynski told us that these rules and regulations in the FDA are being voted upon and implemented by people who don’t even understand medicine.

Charlene: Yeah, and just to add to what he’s saying, there are ways to use conventional medicine like the low dose chemotherapy that we see that it works. And that’s great that they’re doing that in Asia, they’re integrating whatever the doctor and the patient work together. And it should never just be, the doctor says, “Just do it.” Here we have patients, specifically children, being forced into treatment, that they don’t want, that their parents don’t want, that in some cases end up killing them, and that’s what the parents, and the child was afraid of to begin with. We have doctors that are brilliant, going back to Roy Raymond Wright with his technology that was actually healing cancer – they destroyed his life here in America. And we’ve got, Harry Hoxie …

Ty: Harry Hoxie.

Charlene: Yeah, Harry Hoxie who was healing people in various states, and he was winning every case, but then one day they came against him on various states, and he couldn’t fund all of those different, separate lawsuits, so he had to pack it up and go to Mexico. So, here in America, when we have doctors who are innovative, and patients that are excited to go there and try these treatments, the patients are not afforded that luxury. Which they should be, and the doctors are not afforded the luxury to actually be healers. So, the real healers are either having to hide, and heal people secretly in America, or they have to travel.

We were contacted a few years ago, by a clinic that was healing cancer patients through Laetrile, they reached out to us, and asked us for our help, because the swat team literally came in and patients and had IVs in their arms, and they took those IVs out, they took their bags of medicine, and they said, “Get out.” They were at gunpoint, and these people were just healing patients. So, this is the climate that we’re dealing with today, it’s very hostile to real natural healers. All you can do is what’s state sanctioned, the big three. And that’s a disconnect, that’s a real problem.

Ty: Yeah.

Charlene: Here in America.

Ty: And to add to that, Dr. Burzynski is a good friend of ours, he said, we should be receiving Nobel prizes for what we’re doing, we’re healing cancer. But, instead we’re consistently persecuted, and treated like common criminals. And that’s the sad thing, is that these doctors that should be elevated in their healing, they’re treated like criminals because they’re using a treatment that’s not approved by a bunch of bureaucrats in Washington D.C., it’s absurd.

Charlene: Yeah, Burzynski specifically, we were blessed to … We love him, and work with him. He’s been to our house, he’s a good friend, and his beautiful wife. She helps in that whole business that they’ve got in healing people. But when we gave him, we gave him a lifetime achievement award, and when he took that, he said, “This is my first award.” He said, “This is my second award.”

Ty: Second award.

Charlene: He said, “The first one was given to me by the Pope.” The Pope gave him an award.

Nick: What?

Charlene: He said … Yes. He said, “I should be getting more of these because …” And he’s talking about doctors all across the board that are healers, he said, “But instead, I’m persecuted.” He’s today, being persecuted by the third generation of the FDA. He fought the grandfathers, and the fathers, now he’s fighting the sons. Just to be able to heal people, he’s fighting for the right to heal in America.

Nick: Wow! Okay, so everyone listening, I know that some people have a limited time, so just remember, if you can’t hear the whole interview, just click below to register for the free Truth About Cancer Series. It’s coming up in a couple of days now, by the time you watch this, it might already be upon us. So, just click there to register for free. Question, first of all, you mentioned Laetrile. I think Laetrile, that comes from the choke cherry pit, and the apricot pit, is that right? That’s sort, of a compound found within those fruits, right?

Charlene: Apple seeds.

Ty: Amongst many others, yeah. But yeah, it’s found in the pits in the seeds of many, different fruits and vegetables.

Nick: Cool. This is a little take away, because our folks are very passionate about herbs. They would probably ask us that. So, I wanted to clarify. Why do you … How do you think it is that this is happening? I’ve seen this, you’ve seen this. A lot of people in the health and wellness world understand that this is a no-no topic. In fact, when you guys released The Truth About Cancer, I saw it before I even met you. I’m like, “Those guys are crazy. This is a place you don’t go.” And honestly, it’s almost shameful to even say it, right? And we all saw it, we were like, “They’re going to get shut down within like six months. Let’s just watch from afar with binoculars, and see what happens here.”

And you guys did it anyway, and now we’re what? Six or five years later, and you guys are going strong. And you’ve almost become too big for people to mess with you too much, without it becoming a huge, huge spot on the radar that everyone would take notice of. But, how do you think it is that this gag order, or whatever you want to call it, the truth hasn’t gotten out there, that these powers that be … And I don’t know, I just have hesitations to put … To think of some evil guy up in a castle making terrible decisions.

I don’t know if that’s necessarily what the case is. But, how is either the collective ignorance of the modern world, or the general powers that be in Washington, or these evil, or literally these evil entities, or these selfish greedy entities are able to do this without it making the news? Without somebody breaking the story, and the world being aware of it?

Ty: People are becoming aware of it. That’s one of the cool things about what we’re all doing, is people are becoming aware of it. But, the way that they’re able to do it, is just simple, as you already know, pharma took over the medical schools, and curriculum. Pharma owns the media, and pharma owns the politicians that write the laws. Pharma’s the biggest lobby in Washington D.C. Twice as much money comes from pharma, as the oil industry. So, when you think about that, they own the media, they own the politicians, they control the information flow on television with commercials. I mean, think of all the pharma commercials that you see in a typical hour of television, it’s absurd.

So, that’s the way they’re able to do it. They pretty much bought off everybody.

Charlene: And if I could just add to that, I was speaking to our team, and talking about this specifically. What we are doing, is we’re bringing the truth back into the world. Just so that they can make an educated decision of what is best for their bodies, for their families, in their lives. We’re educators, we’re just bringing the truth to the people so that they can make that choice. The problem we have going back to the Flexner report, but it goes further back than that, way further back than that, it’s a censorship of truth. So, the powers that be that you’re talking about, and we could discuss that for hours. But we won’t go there right now, deeply at least. That’s a rabbit hole, it’s amazing, we’ve done a lot of research there.

Just for the sake of time, from the beginning of time, look into the garden of Eden, what happened? Everything was perfect, it was beautiful, and there was Eve, she was deceived by the enemy, right? She listened, she acted on it, and it was a lie that she was hearing, and she was believing, and that she acted on, and it was disastrous. So, you go through the halls of Time, God sent the prophets to help the people, and what did they do? They killed them. Because they were just bringing the truth, and they hated the truth.

Then Jesus, the embodiment of truth came in to the world to tell people about the truth, and what did they do? They took him and hung him on a cross. And then during the Dark Ages, what happened there? We have the Catholic Church that was controlling the world, and it was really super evil. They didn’t want people to have the ability to read, because they didn’t want them to pick up the Bible, and see that they were big liars.

All that crazy stuff that was going on. And then the age of the Renaissance came, and people were able to start reading the Bible itself, the scriptures were translated into various languages, so that people could read. And they were realizing, “Wow, these leaders in the Catholic Church, they’re lying to us.” And so, they climbed outside of that box of darkness and lies. And music, they weren’t even allowed to listen to music back then. If you do your research in history, it’s shocking. The Dark Ages, that was the Dark Ages, and we came out of the Dark Ages, and people were able to enjoy life again.

But you know what? Today, we’re in the modern technological dark ages. There’s a lot of censorship, and there’s a lot of lies and if you don’t actively pursue the truth, you’re gonna believe the lies because like Ty said, our media has been hijacked by big pharma. They own it, they control it, the use it. The newspaper outlets, the magazines, every place you could go and now the internet, they’re talking about censoring. Google is in the process of going over to China. We’ve got Facebook and all these different entities and we know what China’s doing with the internet. So if they have more control of the internet what are they gonna do? It’s already happening.

It’s really important to continue to educate people while we have a chance to educate them because this is a modern day dark ages. We’ve been lied to and the powers that be don’t like the truth because they lose their power and we are making a big dent in that darkness together.

Nick: Incredible. It’s an honor to be a part of it in whatever way we’re a part of it as well. It’s really cool to be teaming up with you guys and our little collective of film makers and authors that are really trying to get the truth out there. A question I think a lot of people had for you both, that you’re in a unique position to answer is, say I got cancer or was diagnosed with cancer tomorrow what would you do if you had that diagnosis? What would be the first things that you would do from a testing perspective, I know there’s some incredible tests out there that could really help you, panels you could run. Herbs, lifestyle decisions, diet decisions. I know it’s a lot to ask, this is a Pandora’s box itself, but if that was the diagnosis that you or someone you loved came across within, tomorrow let’s just say, what would be the first set of actions that you would take?

Ty: I think the first thing that you want to do Nick is look at your, what you’re eating and look at your every day routines. That’s what I would recommend because if you’re diagnosed with cancer, it’s likely because you’re not getting the proper nutrition and it’s also likely that you’re toxic to one extent or another because of the environment that we live in. I’ll just give a real short answer. You’ll want to look at those things and you want to improve those things.

I already exercise almost every day, I sit in a sauna every day to detoxify, I eat pretty good, sometimes I cheat, but overall I eat pretty clean, but if I were diagnosed with cancer I would take it up to another level. I would never cheat, I would do exactly what I knew, how to eat organic, non-GMO, raw real food. Continue detoxifying and exercising. I would just take those things to another level. Those are just simple things that you can use not only as a treatment protocol, but also as a preventative right now so that you never face that diagnosis.

Charlene: I would also just an overview of what he’s saying with a different slant on it. The one thing I think we both try to help people to understand is the very first thing, before they get to what Ty is talking about doing is they need to wait. They need to understand the options available to them. They need to research. They need to find every piece of information they can before they make a decision and as they’re researching and if they have encountered the medical system and a doctor was bullying them into a treatment, I would say run away. Don’t let anyone bully you or threaten you or fill you with fear.

Cancer is directly related to the mind and if we’re filled with fear that’s gonna feed the cancer. If we act on fear, that’s really not the right protocol to take. You need to act on faith after doing a lot of research, believing in what you’re doing and there are a lot of things out there to do, so while they’re researching they can do the things that Ty is talking about doing. Once they come to a place where they feel confident, we’ve actually seen people just change their diet while they’re researching, then they go back to a doctor and find they’re cancer free because just changing their diet and detoxifying their body did it. That was the trick. So that’s the key, waiting and the mind body connection.

Nick: I love that. The mind body connection and also just the idea of these simple adjustments. People like to get fancy and exciting and introduce something that’s brand new, like “I’m gonna go after graviolia ’cause it’s exotic and it’s got these, I’m gonna keep on doing all the other stuff that I do,” as opposed to looking at the hard choices that you’re making without realizing it.

For me, I had lifelong migraine headaches until I realized that I was eating the wrong stuff. It wasn’t about all these drugs neurologists want to put me on, and they didn’t work. It was about me eliminating things out of my diet until I figured out what the thing was that was causing them. Which takes a little bit of work, but it seems like oftentimes it’s about the mind body connection, like you say. Getting more in tune with who you are and the things that you’ve been doing unconsciously. Very cool. Thank you guys.

I’m gonna wrap with one question I think a lot of people also want to hear about, something that we’re very passionate about is stories. People are very inspired. It’s one thing for us to talk about, “Hey, you should go take this or do that”, but people are really inspired by stories as you know. You tell incredible stories in Truth About Cancer. It’s remarkable. Would you be comfortable sharing a story of a survival? Of somebody who in their dark night of the soul defeated all odds, let’s just call it, and recovered using natural means.

Ty: Yeah, Charlene can start. We can each give you one because we’ve got dozens. I don’t even know what she’s gonna share and she doesn’t know what I’m gonna share but we’ve got so many.

Charlene: There’s a couple that come to mind. The one I’m thinking of, what I’m gonna share is a super awesome one. This is one that they’ll find in more detail in the Global Quest.

Ty: I’m gonna get some more water while she shares.

Charlene: With the Global Quest, we covered a woman, Ty went to Latvia and there’s a treatment called rigvir and it’s named after Riga, Latvia, that’s where Ty was and it’s just the most beautiful place that he traveled to. He was well taken care of, the food, they don’t even have GMOs in their country. It’s so phenomenal and people will get a picture of that when they watch the Global Quest, but there was one woman, she was from Russia. She had cancer and she was taking chemotherapy and she was in the cancer ward and her family came in. They knew that the chemotherapy was really just about killing here and it wasn’t working and they had heard about the rigvir in Latvia. They took her out of the hospital.

Ty: She was given two weeks.

Charlene: Yeah she was so weak that they had to carry her and she was, they had given her just weeks to live at this point. So they carried her to the car and they took her to Riga, to this clinic that was administering rigvir and before they could really treat her the doctor said I need to see her blood, so they took her blood and they brought it to the doctor for analysis and he said, “No, this is the blood of a dead person. We need her blood.” And they said, “This is her blood.” Literally at that point, she was within hours of dying.

Nick: Wow.

Charlene: So they started administering rigvir into her body and within a week she was up and walking. Within a year she is completely cancer free. She’s five years I believe outside of that diagnosis at the time when Ty had interviewed her. When she was interviewed, she talked about everybody else in that cancer ward in Russia. She did go back and she talked to the doctors and said, I’m cancer free, I took rigvir and I want you to know so you can start using this for your cancer patients.

They said, “No, no. You weren’t healed because of rigvir, you were healed from our chemotherapy. It was a delayed reaction. That’s what healed you.” They were just, they were not willing to hear her solution. They were just going to continue. This is usual there. She said the sad part for her was going back and finding out that everybody else that she had met and become friends with in that cancer ward had died.

Nick: Wow. That’s crazy.

Ty: I’ll share mine. That’s one of my favorite stories too. Rigvir is short for rigavirus. It’s a viral therapy, using healthy viruses that are found in the guts of children that are selectively toxic to cancer cells. It’s fascinating treatment. By the way it’s been approved in Latvia, Georgia and Armenia by the equivalent of the FDA in those countries to be used in oncological work. So it’s very effective.

One of my favorite stories is interviewing in Tijuana and it was actually at the Bio Medical Center – the Hoxsey Clinic is now called the Bio Medical Center. A lady named Pam Kelsey – at the time that I interviewed her a couple of years ago, I think she was 34 34 years from her pancreatic cancer diagnosis. If you know anything about pancreatic cancer, you know that conventional treatments don’t even claim to be a cure. Conventional oncologists, if you have pancreatic cancer, you’re dead in a year. They have no idea how to treat pancreatic cancer.

Pam, when I interviewed her in 2015, was 34 years from getting diagnosed. I think she was diagnosed in 1981 and she went to the Tijuana Clinic there, the Bio Medical Center in Tijuana and she used the Hoxsey therapy which Gary Hoxsey’s grandfather discovered by watching horses in the field. When they had cancer there were certain herbs and grasses and roots they ate that would heal their cancer and he formulated a tonic based upon watching horses – because animals know. She used that treatment and she was 34 years after diagnosis. Longest living pancreatic cancer patient in the world.

Nick: Oh my gosh. That’s insane. So, people are listening. As Ty and Char has said, this is just tip of the iceberg. They have tons and tons of stories like this because this is what’s happening behind the scenes. We’re not being told about these therapies and you have to dig to find them. This what the Truth About Cancer, A Global Quest is all about. An honor to be here with you guys.

We talked before I’d love to come and sit down with you in person at some point and do an interview and just really dig into these stories a little bit more. But, for everyone listening, if you haven’t already, please click the link below. It’s something that, the information in the Truth About Cancer could quite possibly save your life or the life of someone that you love. Any final words before we go guys?

Charlene: Well, yeah. I think that our message to everybody out in the world, why we do what we do is we want people to understand after losing family member after family member, just simply from a lack of knowledge, the Bible says why people perish – for lack of knowledge – but it also says and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. As long as there’s breath in the body, as I share with you the lovely woman in Russia, that was on her last leg, is healed completely – as long as there’s breath in the body, there’s hope. Cancer is not a death sentence. Beyond what the doctors tell us, the conventional doctors tell us, there is absolutely hope, there are a lot of options so be encouraged.

Ty: I’ll just follow that up with the reason that many conventional oncologists instill fear when they diagnose cancer in a patient is because they honestly really don’t know how to cure cancer. So they’re afraid as well. We would just encourage you to watch this free documentary, it’s nine days and you’re gonna get an education and then we’ll give you more knowledge than the conventional oncologist has about cancer and that’s why they’re scared. They don’t know how to cure cancer and how to treat cancer, but this documentary will give you an education and give you the knowledge so that you feel like you could make a good choice on how to treat it if you’re ever diagnosed.

Nick: Incredible. Mindset, knowledge. I love the idea of if you’re still breathing, you have hope. That’s just something that people need to understand. Your body knows how to take care of itself if it’s given the proper things. Thank you both so much. It’s been a real pleasure.

Ty: Thank you Nick. We really appreciate the opportunity today.

Charlene: Yeah, thank you so much for what you’re doing.

Ty: Keep it up.



The post These Amazing Healing Stories Will Inspire You appeared first on The Sacred Science.

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