Friday, January 25, 2019

3 Easy Ways To Release Stress & Feel Immortal

Since the dawn of time, our species has been scrambling to not only survive, but thrive. We humans have a built-in need to find our flow, our happiness, our sweet spot in this cosmic unfolding that we call life.

Yet somehow, our modern lifestyles seem to be coming up short.. Just look at the world today! Within our social-media-centric society, we have programmed ourselves to rely on outside affirmations to feel good.

But the only way to find true happiness is through connection and peace with yourself.

Here are 3 sure-fire, science-based ways to calm down, get your inner joy flowing and find your sweet spot.

#1 The Art of Breathing

Unless you’re a singer or a yogi, you probably haven’t had anyone teach you about diaphragmatic breathing. Not a lot of people even think about breathing until they’re working out. But diaphragmatic breathing is the best way to ensure that the oxygen you’re breathing in is nourishing your body, and it’s a great technique for calming down.

The diaphragm is a dome shaped muscle between the organs of the chest and the organs of the abdomen.

Inhaling causes your diaphragm to contract down toward your belly, that’s why your stomach stretches out. Exhaling releases that tension and the belly relaxes.

Diaphragmatic breathing is a simple technique that helps release stress and usher in peace and contentedness.

When you practice deep breathing exercises, you create an internal atmosphere of rest and healing. As you relax your mind, the rest of your body follows suit. Stress hormone levels drop, the lungs and stomach release the tension.

#2 Quiet your Mind

When breathing exercises become spiritual, you get meditation. The quieting of your mind and intention of breath brings a stillness to your mind and allows your thought patterns to heal as your body does also.

Studies have shown that meditation can help focus your consciousness. It allows you to pick up on changes in your environment and lengthens your attention span.

According to research, mindfulness practices strengthen the connection between your amygdala (which controls your emotions) and your prefrontal cortex (which is responsible for all of your thinking, self expression and connectivity with your community). That strengthened connection ultimately helps you handle internal and external stress better and lease tension from your body.

Imagine discovering that you have a vast amount of untapped potential– more than you could have ever imagined…

What we have learned to accept about the human condition and the very origins of humanity has been misinterpreted and misunderstood…

#3 Truly Rest

If you’re like me, when you lay down to sleep you have to consciously decide to rest. It’s so easy to get caught up in tomorrow’s to do list, remembering what chores didn’t get done today and worries. This reactivates your thinking brain, so your body cannot power down and work on all of the healing that goes on when you’re in deep sleep (such as digestion–which creates energy for tomorrow, fighting inflammation, recovering from the flu etc.)

Inadequate sleep triggers a stress hormone called cortisol in your body, which causes digestive distress, chronic illness and brain fog throughout the day.

Never underestimate the power of a solid 8-hours of sleep per night!

These are just 3 simple steps you can take in your everyday life to tap into your highest self.

But if you want to take it one step further…

My friend Gregg Braden (also known as The Human Potential Pioneer) is hosting a FREE mind-expanding workshop called The New Human Story: Awakening Your Evolutionary Potential for Self-healing, Longevity & Super-perception.

He will share some startling new science that exposes the beliefs that have been holding us back from living an enlightened, integrated and embodied life.

You can register for this transformative workshop at no charge using the link below:

Join me for this riveting hour that will reveal what you’re actually capable of achieving and becoming!

Stay curious,

Nick Polizzi
Host of Remedy: Ancient Medicine for Modern Illness
& Founder of The Sacred Science

The post 3 Easy Ways To Release Stress & Feel Immortal appeared first on The Sacred Science.

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