Friday, March 29, 2019

DIY Natural Skin Care Secrets

There’s an old saying in the Maya cultures of Guatemala, “Don’t put things on your face that you wouldn’t put in your mouth.”

Inspired by this wisdom, I recently sought out skin care expert, Rachel Pachivas from Annmarie Skincare and she took me through a few powerful ways to naturally nourish your skin, reverse signs of aging and prevent unwanted toxins from finding their way into your medicine cabinet.

I’ve shared the full video interview below, but before we get to that…

A gentle warning that the word “organic” doesn’t always guarantee that your skincare products are 100% toxin-free. After digging into some of the biggest “natural” beauty brands, we found that many have cut corners and exploited loopholes.

When researching your favorite lotions, oils and shampoos, please be on the lookout for these sneaky intruders:

1.) Parabens – An extremely common preservative that has been shown to disrupt estrogen production and has also been detected in malignant tumors.

2.) Phthalates – Usually hidden under the word “fragrance,” a known hormone disruptor linked to reproductive defects

3.) Benzoyl Peroxide – Known skin and eye irritant; linked to the promotion of tumor growth.

4.) Triclosan – According to the EPA, this is a serious pesticide. Enough said.

Our bodies just don’t know how to process things that aren’t natural, aka from the Earth. Lab-made facial products are prone to cause inflammation, breakouts, scarring and even more serious things like cancer.

Ok, are you ready for some fun, practical and natural DIY beauty tips?

Click here to watch our jam-packed skin care talk with Rachel Pachivas!

Last, but not least, if you resonate with Rachel’s radiant wisdom and would like to try some incredible wild-crafted skin formulas,  the Annmarie Skincare team has generously agreed to put together a special offer for the Sacred Science community.

For the next few days, you can try their 3-Step Restore Trial Kit for a BIG DISCOUNT, which includes: an Aloe Herb Cleanser, an Anti-aging Oil, a Neroli Toning Mist and finally, a FREE Travel Size Anti-Aging Serum.

Click here to take a look!

To anyone who is looking for well-sourced, consciously-crafted skin tonics, look no further!

Stay curious,

Nick Polizzi

Host of Remedy: Ancient Medicine for Modern Illness
& Founder of The Sacred Science

The post DIY Natural Skin Care Secrets appeared first on The Sacred Science.

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