Friday, June 28, 2019

How to Illuminate Your Intuitive Dashboard

On the healing path, a few well placed words of wisdom can sometimes trigger a much needed “a-ha” deep within that brings everything into focus.

One of the most powerful lessons that I’ve been taught is this:

A true healer doesn’t actually heal us; he or she simply helps us remove the blocks that are inhibiting our ability to heal ourselves.

The philosophy that our individual organisms prefer to be in healthy equilibrium and can often times spontaneously cure themselves comes as a big shock to many people.   It is drilled into us that our health conditions are simply unavoidable, fate-driven occurrences that can be remedied only through external interventions like surgery or prescription drugs.

The greatest casualty of this limited way of thinking is the death of our sense of responsibility for our own well-being – a very dangerous thing to lose.  When we stop listening to the subtle bits of information that our bodies are sending us, the lights on our internal dashboard shut off, and we are essentially driving blind.

I’ve heard it said in many different ways by many different healers that YOU are your own best doctor.  But what does that really mean?

To me, this means that I need to nourish a rich and intimate inner dialogue with myself.  An ongoing conversation with that subtle voice that exists in the periphery of my awareness – which is amplified when I am in solitude.  This might sound “woo woo”, but once you start engaging in your own healing process (whether it is physical, mental, or emotional) and begin listening to your personal navigation system, information begins to present itself.  Sometimes subtly and sometimes not-so-subtly 🙂

Over the years I’ve noticed a very tricky — yet beautiful — aspect of this inner healer that exists within all of us.  When we are in a centered state of mind, we can turn on our intuitive dashboard rather easily… and what a thrill it is!  However, this illusive interface can disappear just as quickly, especially when the daily grind of life begins to take hold.

Even the most evolved spiritual leaders regularly find themselves “detached” from their true essence.  Presence is a sneaky thing – we absolutely know it when we are in the flow, but there is no warning signal when we fall off and get into our heads.  I don’t know anyone who has figured out how to live in uninterrupted peace – but many of the healers I’ve met use specific techniques to ground themselves and get re-acquainted with their inner voice in times of hardship and challenge.

Here is one that I just used today.  The concept is called “Entry Points”.

A very quick way to get back into relationship with your inner guide is by finding the right “point of re-entry”.  This can be done in a number of ways but here’s a great one to start with:

Throughout the day, begin examining the behavioral patterns that you are running until you notice a particular action or strategy that is not serving you.  The idea is to find a tiny habit to improve upon.

This is easier said than done.  We are very pattern-oriented beings and take great comfort in our routines — even the ones that are hurting us.

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Let me give you a personal example.

This morning I was moving a bunch of things into our work space, which involves a few flights of stairs and some heavy metal doors.  I was in such a hurry to get the rest of my day started that I opted to try taking some “acrobatic shortcuts”. Instead of taking the time to prop each door open beforehand to make the my life easier, I attempted to juggle the first load of boxes on my knee while fumbling to open each door.  Smart, right?

As I approached the second door, something inside me said, “You always rush things like this and it never leaves you in a peaceful place.”  I almost ignored this quiet insight, but it triggered me just enough to stop what I was doing, place the boxes on the ground and begrudgingly prop open all the doors, from the curb to my office.

Now, this seems like an obvious course of action, but I literally had to force myself to do it.  Again, old patterns are hard to break.

Once the doors were open and I was on my way down for the next load of boxes, I began to feel a lightness of spirit, almost as if I had crossed a major life threshold.  At the bottom of the stairs, the inner voice came back and said:

“You don’t help anyone when you rush through life. Take the time to attend to your path and you will be happier and more beneficial to everyone around you.”

As I began climbing the stairs with a new payload of gear, it wrapped up the lesson with:

“Now, apply this knowledge to all of your interactions today.”

Everyone is different and communicates with their intuitive self differently, but for me it is always very literal and almost audible.  Once the navigation system is illuminated, it’s with me throughout the day – until it isn’t 🙂  Then it’s time to find another entry point.

So here’s the technique again:

                • Run a personal system scan and locate a subtle tweak that you can make right now that will change your life for the better.  This can be something as simple as cleaning your garage or writing that “thank you” letter that is long overdue.  The key is that it must be something that you have been resisting for whatever reason.
                • Find this habit and begin to manually adjust your behavior – physical tasks are great ones to start with!
                • Last but not least, keep your intuitive ears open to any internal dialogue that begins flowing while you move.

This is what some call an entry point into your inner healer.

Please share your thoughts and experiences with us below!

Stay curious,

Nick Polizzi
Director, The Sacred Science

The post How to Illuminate Your Intuitive Dashboard appeared first on The Sacred Science.

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