Wednesday, July 24, 2019

3 Superstar Herbs That Are Making Headlines

My wife Michelle and I are deeply involved in the care of our two small children, but like many families out there, we sometimes need answers to things we just don’t know how to solve.

As we all know, it’s convenient to surf the internet to find these answers, but the truth is that you can’t believe everything you read online. Every day, natural medicine advice is published online by well-meaning individuals who aren’t qualified and who haven’t done the proper research. This can make it hard for us to know what options are safe and effective and what is not. 

And with herbalism emerging as a top-dog in the holistic healing space, it’s more important now than ever to separate herbal facts from fiction. 

Today I want to discuss 2 very special herbs and 1 herbal extract that are making the front page in the holistic world. These herbs are renowned for their powerful healing properties, but truth can sometimes get lost in myth…. 

We’ll look at what’s really true about these popular herbs – Are they safe? Are these herbs good for you? And most importantly, do they work the way people claim they do?

Let’s dive in….

#1 Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

Turmeric is a golden herb that has gotten wildly popular around the world for its incredible health benefits. From fire cider to golden milk, turmeric is as hip as the coffee shops selling turmeric lattes.

There are two common “facts” that come up when you research turmeric. A) Turmeric is so anti-inflammatory that it is an effective antidepressant. B) Turmeric is hard for the body to consume.

Now, what is fact? And what is fiction?

  • Turmeric can help relieve symptoms of depression… 


My good friend and renowned psychiatrist, Dr. Kelly Brogan, wrote an article for The Healthy Home Economist that mapped out exactly how turmeric can fight depression. 

Curcumin, she states, is one of the most active healing constituents in turmeric; it’s the key player when it comes to regulating depressive symptoms. Studies have shown that curcumin fights inflammation, boosts your immune system, protects against cancer and neurodegenerative disorders, detoxifies the liver and stabilizes your hormone levels. 

These factors work together to create a healthy environment for your mental health– particularly by teaching your adrenal system to find balance.

In fact, turmeric is such a potent and promising antidepressant that it’s currently being evaluated as a suitable, all-natural replacement for Prozac. 

  • Turmeric is hard for the body to consume. 


Though it is true that curcumin is more difficult for the body to absorb without the presence of piperine (black pepper), that doesn’t mean the rest of the herb is hard to process.

The other healing components like volatile oils, bitter components, and flavonoids are still available to fight pain, aid in digestion and fight oxidation.

#2 Damiana (Turnera diffusa)

Damiana has gotten a lot of publicity lately as an aphrodisiac – but so do a lot of things like steak, wine and chocolate just to name a few… So what makes damiana stand out from the rest? 

  • Damiana is an effective ‘love herb.’ 


Damiana has been proven to stimulate sexual desire and improve intimate experiences for both men and women.

Damiana is particularly helpful for women because it calms the nerves and heals long-term stress response. It also serves as an effective remedy for vaginal dryness by bringing oxygen down to the area. 

The University of Hawaii studied damiana’s effects on women and found that after adding this super-herb to their routines, 73% of the volunteers were having better sex more frequently.

For men, damiana is more effective than Viagra. The University of Buenos Aires found that damiana can heal impotence in two ways: 

1) By relaxing the arterial walls of the penis, allowing more blood to pass through more quickly. 

2) By relaxing the nervous system and modulating mood. 

*It is important to note that damiana boosts fertility as a natural side effect of increased libido.

Because of its relaxing effects, damiana has also been used in herbal pipe blends alongside motherwort and lavender. But people have claimed to get a little “high” from the smoke. News like this travels through the grapevine fast, so people are now wary of trying damiana – even in tea form. 

  • You can get high from drinking damiana tea. 


While smoking herbal blends that include damiana can result in a ‘body high’ due to it’s naturally relaxing properties, it’s not at all like the ‘mental high’ that can come with smoking THC or drinking a little too much wine. And you absolutely will not experience this if you drink damiana tea.

#3 CBD (derived from Cannabis sativa)

This final one is a bit controversial but has the ability to truly heal from within.

Cannabis has over 80 active compounds, but there are two that are getting a lot of buzz right now… THC and CBD. THC is popularly known as the compound of cannabis that can make you feel intoxicated, but what about CBD? 

A quick Google search on CBD will give you pages on pages on its healing effects, so what’s fact and what isn’t? 

  • CBD gets you high. 


CBD (or cannabidiol) is unlike its counterpart, THC. While THC does have the properties to give you that mental high, CBD has zero psychoactive side effects.

Studies have found that our bodies have evolved in such a way to include receptors that respond specifically to CBD. This cellular network is called the endocannabinoid system, and its main job is to keep our bodies in balance. In other words, our bodies are designed to process CBD and extract its healing properties. 

Including CBD in a regular regimen can be mentally and physically therapeutic and help ease severe symptoms of pain, migraines and seizures. 

Some popular ways of using CBD include using tinctures or eating gummies infused with CBD oil. Others might need topical pain relief and can turn to lotions and salves. 

  • You can get addicted to CBD. 

Myth (and you can’t get addicted to THC either).

CBD is a safe, non-addictive and extremely effective way to treat things like anxiety, depression and insomnia. Because of its physiologically calming effects, CBD is often used to prevent cravings and is a common herb used by those recovering from addiction.

It also helps prevent illnesses like Alzheimer’s and cancer while simultaneously modulating symptoms or effects of Parkinson’s, seizures or strokes.

And that’s only the tip of the iceberg…

I’ve barely skimmed the surface on the truth about turmeric, damiana and CBD – there is a ton more information that can shed light on the facts and fictions of each. And for any new herb you’re thinking about introducing to your herbal regimen, make sure to do your research. 

Herbs are nature’s most powerful medicines and should be treated as such. With proper use, these herbs can do wonders for your mental, physical and emotional health. 

And now, their healing magic has been officially proven to be fact as well as tradition.

Stay curious,

Nick Polizzi
Host of Remedy: Ancient Medicine for Modern Illness
& Founder of The Sacred Science

The post 3 Superstar Herbs That Are Making Headlines appeared first on The Sacred Science.

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