Monday, April 6, 2020

Back To Immune Basics [Zapping Germs and Staying Safe]

I know you’re probably getting bombarded with information about how to keep yourself and your family healthy during this unprecedented time. There are a lot of great herbs and supplements that can boost your body’s natural defense and overall vitality – but sometimes instead of focusing only on what we put in our bodies, we also need to be aware of what is on our bodies.

So let’s get back to some basic practices that we all should be doing regularly to keep the bad germs at bay and continue thriving.

A disclaimer – the recommendations below are not a replacement for the guidelines that have been set by the CDC for the current pandemic. These are additional practices to try alongside the regimen they have outlined.

#1 How To Sanitize Your House Safely (Psst… Vinegar Is A Cleaning Powerhouse)

Quick! Think of 3-5 things you touch on a daily basis. Think laptops, purses, water bottles… and phones.

These are things that we bring out into the world with us. We set them down at the grocery store counter. We bring them into the car. We even bring them to the bathroom with us. So why do most of us never think to clean them?

According to an article published by The Seattle Times, your phone has 25,127 bacteria per square inch! Shocking (and gross), I know. So we definitely need to be more diligent about cleaning our phones off.

Obviously, be sure not to harm the hardware, but you can easily avoid that. Just wet a paper towel with a bit of white vinegar and some essential oil you like, and wipe down the parts of the phone that you touch with your hands or face. It only takes a few seconds.

By doing that, you minimize exposure to illness that can come from surfaces and from your own hands.

You can use a 1:1 vinegar-and-water solution and add in essential oils to mask the pungent scent. Apply it on everything from tables to toilets, and even add it to your laundry.

This is a safe alternative to the toxin-packed cleansers on the market today. The acetic acid in vinegar is powerful enough to kill bacteria, according to a study that compared commercial cleaning products to natural ones.

#2  Hand Washing 101

There are a million hand-washing videos circulating the internet right now with simple instructions like “sing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice to kill all the germs.” But it’s not just the length of time you spend scrubbing that matters — it’s also the frequency.

Obviously, wash after bathroom trips. But you should also wash:

  • Before and after meals
  • When you’ve been in contact with someone sick
  • Any time you leave a public area
  • When you blow your nose
  • When you play with your dog
  • After taking out the trash

It seems like a lot, but it’s the #1 way to keep yourself from catching a bug.

#3 Use Essential Oils To Clear The Air

Essential oils have gotten so popular that they’re a staple in many people’s homes. Their widespread availability makes it extremely easy to get the right blends of essential oils that will not only smell amazing, but will also protect your family from germs in the air.

You may be wondering, “How could something so simple be so effective?”

Well, researchers have been testing aroma-therapeutic grade essential oils in gaseous form against different strains of viruses and bacteria, from your everyday flu virus to more serious things like TB. What they’ve found is that certain essential oils can actually kill pathogens, while other essential oils stop their spread!

The most potent options are: Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, and Tea Tree.

Any mixture of these is an easy and safe alternative to the harsh chemicals in conventional commercial air disinfectants.

Stay curious,

Nick Polizzi
Host of Remedy: Ancient Medicine for Modern Illness
& Founder of The Sacred Science

The post Back To Immune Basics [Zapping Germs and Staying Safe] appeared first on The Sacred Science.

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