Tuesday, November 3, 2020

A Guided Mantra Meditation To Soothe You [VIDEO]

Today we’ll be journeying inwards with a simple mantra-based meditation video taught by my good friend Yashoda Devi Ma. Yashoda is an experienced meditation teacher based in Boulder, CO.

In the video below, Yashoda will guide you on a brief but powerful practice designed to soothe the nervous system, ease stress and fear, and bring the body into a state of relaxation. This practice is for absolutely everyone–even those who are total newbies to meditation. 

Simple breathwork and the use of a mantra help to anchor the mind into a state of peaceful stillness. In the current global climate, I think it’s safe to say we could all benefit from a little more relaxation in our lives!

Mantra is a technique that has been practiced for thousands of years, moving from ancient yogic practice into the modern day. It is a proven and powerful meditative tool.

Mantra is a repeated word or saying. If you’re unfamiliar with using mantra, the most vital thing to remember is that mantra is a tool designed to calm the mind. Repetition of mantra helps to quiet the constant fluctuations of consciousness, and affirm positive thoughts and beliefs. If you haven’t tried a mantra-based meditation before, Yashoda’s practice offers a beautiful entry point to experiment with using mantra in your own daily meditation.

As you begin Yashoda’s meditation, you might notice a sense of calm descending and settling over your body. Your heart rate may slow slightly, and your breathing may even out and lengthen. These are signs your body is switching over from the sympathetic nervous system to the parasympathetic nervous system–a state of rest and calm. 

Relax and prepare to deeply unwind!

Stay curious,

Nick Polizzi
Host of Proven: Healing Breakthroughs Backed By Science
& Founder of The Sacred Science

PS: Learn more about Yashoda and the incredible meditations she offers at http://ydmmeditation.com/

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