“The longest way round is the shortest way home.” — C.S. Lewis
This idea of finding our way back home to ourselves is nothing new. In many native cultures in North and South America, a young person’s rite of passage, also known as the ‘vision quest’, was anything but a shortcut.
A vision quest requires the seeker to go to an isolated location and engage in prayer while forgoing food and water for a period of up to several days. During this time, the seeker navigates the elements, confronts their own limitations, and asks Spirit for a vision—one that will help them to uncover their purpose in life.
This ancient practice draws on the principles that solitude and meditation allow us to get quiet enough to tap into our hearts and highest potential, bringing forth the clarity to uncover our greatest gifts.
Today, I want to share with you our inspiring interview with Tieraona Low Dog as she opens up about her experiences on her quest.
By taking huge leaps of faith, she shares how the universe just opened up for her.
Click here to watch our interview with Tieraona Low Dog on YouTube now!
When we dare to trust the universe, it’s amazing how things simply fall into place.
Stay curious,
Nick Polizzi
Host of Proven: Healing Breakthroughs Backed By Science
& Founder of The Sacred Science
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